Monday, November 14, 2011

2012 Summer Institute - The War of 1812

Drs. Morrison and Alexander of Salem State University and University of New Hampshire will teach a collaborative summer institute. The topic this year will be the War of 1812 and is open to graduates and undergradautes majoring in history, education, museum studies and material culture. Further information will be available shortly. We are looking forward to another intense but collegial week of shared discoveries and explorations with guest speakers, walking tours, museum and archives visits and so on.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Transatlantic Transformations: Georgian Architecture in Salem & Portsmouth

Balance and Beauty: Georgian Design in America
Just returned from a wonderful fall forum at Historic Deerfield (, "Balance & Beauty: Georgian Design in Early America." Perfect weekend with insightful, informative lectures, thoughtful conversations, thought provoking exhibitions and knowledgeable, gracious and inspiring staff and volunteers. Professionally energizing.

A look at my "inspiration" remix video for "Transatlantic Transformations: Georgian Architecture in Salem and Portsmouth."


Dr. Alexander